Eduardo Machado is a senior partner at the firm and leads the trademarks team. His practice focuses on strategic advice regarding the development, maintenance and enforcement of trademark portfolios for a wide range of clients.
Eduardo actively participates in a wide number of IP associations, such as the International Trademark Association, MARQUES and the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property, promoting the exchange of experience and improving the capacity to understand the dynamics of the global business environment.
Eduardo is also an arbiter at the domain name dispute resolution centers of both WIPO and NAF and has been responsible for several important decisions involving cross border IP disputes.
Areas of Expertise
Trademarks, Licensing, Franchise Agreements, Copyright and Software, Domain Name Disputes, Management of Intellectual Property Rights.
Portuguese, English, German .

Marianna has been working with Intellectual Property since 2000. She became a partner of Montaury Pimenta Firm in 2002 and is one of the heads of the litigation department since 2011. Marianna’s experience covers all aspects of intellectual property with special emphasis on civil litigation involving trademarks, copyright, industrial designs, domain names and unfair competition & trade dress, as well as in the development and enforcement of strategies for protection and enforcement of these rights.
Marianna is highly specialized in Digital Law and Data Protection & Privacy and has solid experience in lawsuits involving IT Law related matters. Marianna has extensive experience in representing and advising clients in said fields and she has litigated representing major technology and social media companies in several Federal and State Courts across the country.
Despite being a litigator, she is recognized as a skilled negotiator managing to avoid litigation or negotiating creative agreements that are interesting for the litigating parties.
Marianna’s practices include:
- evaluation of potential litigation risks, with the aim of, whenever possible, avoiding litigation;
- collaborating with corporate departments to review, developing solutions and advising on litigation strategies;
- handling and monitoring a variety of litigation matters, across the country;
In addition to participating in international conferences and seminars as a speaker or moderator, Marianna is constantly recognized for her practice in the most renowned rankings in the area such as: WTR1000, IP Stars (including World´s TOP 250 Women in IP in 2021, 2022), Best Lawyers, Latin Lawyers and Leaders League.
Areas of Expertise
Advertising Law, Anti-Piracy Programs, Copyright and Software, Digital Law, Domain Name, Fashion Law, IP Litigation, Unfair Competition Litigation, Trade Dress Litigation.
Portuguese, English, Spanish .

Ana Luiza Castello Brigagão has worked in the Intellectual Property Litigation area since 2022 at Montaury Pimenta, Machado and Vieira de Mello Lawyers, initially as a legal intern, and joined the firm as an attorney and partner in 2024.
She graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) in 2023 and is currently studying for a postgraduate degree in Intellectual Property Law at the same institution.
Her experience includes out-of-court disputes and complex litigation before national courts, including the Superior Courts, related to Intellectual Property, mainly involving trademarks, domain names, unfair competition, digital law and copyright, representing national and international clients.
Areas of Expertise
IP Litigation, Trademark Litigation, Unfair Competition Litigation, Trade Dress Litigation, Domain Names, Digital Law, Advertising Law, Fashion Law, Piracy Suppression, Copyright and Software.
Portuguese, English .

Pablo Torquato is a lawyer with expertise in the area of Intellectual Property Contracts. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of Intellectual Property and is part of the Contracts and Licensing team.
Pablo has previous experience both in law office and as an in-house lawyer company in the area of Contracts. Among the contracts presented by clients are those related to the licensing of content, trademarks, patents, know-how, franchise and other copyrights.
He is currently the coordinator of the Technology Transfer and Franchising Commission of ABPI (Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property) for 2024-2025 and Communications and Events Director of Licensing Executives Society Brazil (LES Brasil) for 2024-2025.
Areas of Expertise
Licensing, Franchise Agreements, Intellectual Property Arbitration, Software.
Portuguese, English, Spanish .