Brazilian Patent Office announces the top Brazilian industrial property applicants in 2023

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office released the ranking of the top applicants for industrial property rights residing in Brazil.

a) Patents

The highlight among the 50 largest applicants for industrial property rights residing in Brazil were educational institutions, which are in 33 positions for patent applications and in 35 positions for applications related to software. In the latter case, unlike what happens in other countries, the BPTO is the government entity responsible for registering computer software.

As for the patent applications, Petrobras, which is engaged in the oil and gas industry, maintained its leadership with 125 patent applications. In second place, the first of the educational institutions that appear in the ranking and known for its innovation center, the Federal University of Campina Grande, in the state of Paraíba , which filed 101 patent applications. In third, fourth and fifth place are, respectively, FCA Fiat Chrysler (58 patent applications), the Federal University of Minas Gerais (48 patent applications) and Instituto Hercílio Randon (43 patent applications).


b) Trademarks

In trademarks, the first place in the ranking of national applicants in 2023 goes to the Confederação Nacional de Dirigentes Lojistas (536 applications). In sequence, the companies Top Defense (395 applications), Localiza Rent a Car (230 applications), Igreja Batista da Lagoinha (186 applications) and Convenção Batista Lagoinha (173 applications).


c) Industrial Designs:

In industrial designs, the 5 largest applicants in the ranking are: Jaderson de Almeida (139 applications), Grendene (129 applications), Tramontina (81 applications), Franccino Móveis (79 applications) and Savia Propriedade Intelectual Ltda (56 applications).

Educational institutions were also highlighted in the ranking of the 50 largest software applicants in 2023. Fundação CPQD is the first with 93 applications, followed by Autbank Projetos e Consultoria (88 applications), Linx Sistemas e Consultoria (55 applications), Federal University of Sergipe (52 applications) and Pedro Izecksohn (46 applications).

These numbers demonstrate the growing interest of the Brazilian business community in Intellectual Property, being essential to innovation commitment. An efficient system aimed to protect Intellectual Property is the key to stimulate innovation in the country and attracting investment.



Brazilian Patent Office announces the top Brazilian industrial property applicants in 2023 Read more   |   Download PDF

Brazilian Patent Office announces the top Brazilian industrial property applicants in 2023 Read more



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