Ana Paula Affonso Brito
Partner | Attorney at Law
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Ana Paula Affonso Brito is a trial Lawyer, who has been working with Intellectual Property litigation matters since 2001. She has extensive expertise in litigation before Brazilian Federal and State Courts, acting for both domestic and international clients.

Ana Paula’s diverse practice includes the evaluation of potential litigation risks, collaborating with corporate departments, developing mitigation solutions and litigation strategies, as well as handling and monitoring of complex litigation matters.

Ana Paula has litigated diverse cases involving patents in the pharmaceutical, mechanical and telecom fields, trademarks, copyrights, domain names, designs and unfair competition law and is member of the 5G Special Commission, Technical Standards and Technological Innovation (CEPTIT) of the Rio de Janeiro Bar Association (OAB/RJ). She assists clients across different fields of activity and technologies, such as pharmaceuticals, telecom, house appliances, crop science, cosmetics, fashion, food, mechanical, oil and gas, machinery, software, among others.

Ana Paula actively participates in several national and international IP associations and is the author of numerous articles in her area of ​​expertise.

Academic Background

  • Master Degree in Intellectual Property and Innovation from the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office Academy in 2010.
  • Postgraduation degree in Intellectual Property from the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) School of Law, Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
  • Postgraduation degree in Cyber Law from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in 2002.
  • Law degree from the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) School of Law, Rio de Janeiro, 2000.

Professional Experience

  • Member of the 5G Special Commission, Technical Standards and Technological Innovation (CEPTIT) of the Rio de Janeiro Bar Association (OAB/RJ), 2022-2024.
  • Associate professor at ABAPI-Sul, basic level, Trademarks, 2013.
  • Associate professor on extension course in Corporate Law (IBEMEC-RJ, 2007).


  • “Brazilian Courts pushing back on preliminary injunctions in SEP infringement lawsuits”, Lexology, July 2024.
  • "O Direito do pré-uso sobre a marca e o momento de invocá-lo", Boletim da Associação Paulista da Propriedade Intelectual – ASPI - n.º 32, January- February - March 2010.
  • "Toda concorrência pode (e deve) ser monitorada", Revistada da Câmara de Comércio Americana para o Brasil – Brazilian Business - Ano XXIV, n.º 264, July - August 2010.
  • "As patentes e a guerra do café em cápsulas", Café Point Magazine, July 2014.
  • "O Processo para Obtenção de Registro de Indicações Geográficas no Brasil: uma Caixa Preta?", Associação Brasileira da Propriedade Industrial (ABPI) Magazine n.º134 - Páginas 57/62, January- February 2015.
  • "Limitações Relevantes impostas pela Legislação de Propriedade Industrial ao recondicionamento de pneus", Boletim da Associação Paulista da Propriedade Intelectual – ASPI - nº 46 - Páginas 29/30, April - November 2015.
  • "O procedimento Administrativo junto ao INPI e o princípio da sua razoável duração: O posicionamento do Tribunal Regional Federal para aplicação do Princípio da Eficiência", 2015.
  • "Combate à demora excessiva para o exame de pedidos de registro de marcas e patentes junto ao INPI", RT online na seção Caderno Crise Econômica e Soluções Jurídicas | num. 7/2015 | DTR\2015\15909), November 2015.
  • "A viabilidade de ações de infração de marca com fundamento em pedido de registro ainda em exame pelo INPI – uma análise da Jurisprudência", Boletim da Associação Paulista da Propriedade Intelectual – ASPI - n.º 47 - Páginas 34/37, December 2015 - March 2016.
  • "TEQUILA - Agora também é Indicação Geográfica no Brasil", Lexology, April 2019.
  • "Possibilidades de alterações em um pedido de patente pendente após solicitado o exame junto ao INPI", Lexology, April 2019.
  • "Judicial Remedies against Excessive Delay in BPTO Examination", Lexology, August 2019.
  • "Trade Dress Protection in Brazil – A Glimpse at the Beverage Market", AIPPI, October 2019.
  • "Brazil Patent Law: Judicial Patent Invalidation", Patent Trademark Blog | IP Q&A, November 2019.
  • "Damages for IP infringement - a true deterrent?", Lexology, March 2020.
  • "IP Update - Limitations on Tire Remolding activity in Brazil", Lexology, September 2020.
  • "Brazil: a discussion more current than ever on patent validity terms", Patent Lawyer Annual 2021, December 2020.
  • "Patent infringement and invalidity actions in Brazil", The Patent Lawyer Annual 2022, December 2021.
  • “Patents in Brazil has the minimum validity term become a “dead end”?, Chapter Opening - Patent Litigation of Brazil’s Best Counsel 2022", Leaders League, December 2021.
  • “Major changes in the Brazilian IP system in the year 2022”, Lexology, Janeiro 2023.
  • “Brazilian IP system: The importance of the interaction between legal and technical teams”, International guide Brazil´s Best Counsel 2022/2023 - Leaders League, March 2023.
  • “Scope of Patent Protection (Brazil)”, Practical Law: Thompson Reuters, May 2023.
  • "Chapter ‘Urgent remedy Injunctions’, book 'Proceeding Law in Intellectual Property'", Thomson Reuters – Revista dos Tribunais, June 2023.
  • "Sistema de PI Brasileiro: A importância da interação entre advogados e engenheiros”, ALAE – Aliança de Advocacia Empresarial, July 2023.
  • Chapter “Causas de nulidade de patentes à luz da Lei 9.279/96 (LPI)”, book “Comentários à LPI Uma análise exclusiva feita por mulheres”, Thomson Reuters – Revista dos Tribunais, November 2023.
  • “Inovar é preciso, patentear é necessário: a história de uma invenção 100% brasileira e carioca”, LexLatin, December 2023.
  • “...capítulo Brazil: Life Sciences and Pharma/ Biopharma Patent Litigation, Guia Life Sciences & Pharma IP Litigation 2024”, Chambers & Partners magazine, February 2024.
  • “Direito à Propriedade Intelectual exige atenção e cuidados de marcas”, PropMark magazine, February 2024.
  • “Brazil: Hot Topics in IP during 2023”, Lexology, March 2024.
  • “Principais desenvolvimentos na área de PI no Brasil em 2023”, Miagalhas, March 2024.
  • “Pharma Innovators and Generics in Brazil. The legal and case law environment”, Chapter Opening: Patent Litigation - 6th edition of the Brazil's Best Counsel guide, July 2024.
  • “Brazilian Courts and Preliminary Injunctions in SEP Infringement Lawsuits”, IPO - Intellectual Property Owners Association, October 2024.
  • “Juiz nega pedido de indenização contra a Imaginarium”, Valor Econômico, November 2024.
  • “Litígios de patentes essenciais em Telecomunicações”, Convergência Digital, December 2024.
  • “Litígios de patentes essenciais em Telecomunicações”, Teletime, December 2024.
  • “Life Sciences and Pharma IP Litigation 2025 Global Practice - Brazil chapter”, Chambers and Partners, February 2025.

Professional Acknowledgements

WTR 1000, IAM Patent 1000, The Legal 500, Leaders League.

What our clientes are saying:
“polished performances for energy, vehicle and medical technology companies";
“versatile and very easy to talk to and highly sought after for her excellent communication skills”.


Portuguese, English, French .
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