Gabriela Salerno is a partner and head of the technical team of Montaury’s patent department.
She is a chemical engineer graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, currently chair of the Patent Committee of the Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property, vice-chair of the Intellectual Property Owners’ Association Committee on Intellectual Property Practice in Latin America and a member of the firm’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She has been working in the patent area since 2006, advising clients, especially on patent matters related to the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and biotechnology fields. She has a background as an in-house counsel in the largest Brazilian cosmetic company, coordinating projects related to competitive intelligence.
Gabriela has been repeatedly recognized as a leading patent practitioner in Brazil and internationally, by the most renowned guides such us IAM Patent 1000, Legal 500, Leaders League and IP Stars.
Academic Background
Bachelor of Science Degree, Chemical Engineering, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), 2006.
Professional Experience
- Intellectual Property Coordinator at Natura Cosméticos - 2011-2013.
- Patent Coordinator (chemistry team) at a large IP firm - 2013-2016.
- Chairwoman of the Biotechnology Committee of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property (ABPI) (since 2013).
- Member of Intellectual Property Owners Association’s (IPO) IP Latin American Practice Committee – 2020/2021.
- Vice Chair of IPO’s Latin American Practice Committee - 2025.
- “A perspectiva de aumento na produção nacional de butadieno para suprir a crescente demanda de elastômeros”, Revista Petro & Química (co-author), August 2006.
- “Urgent solutions to climate change”, World Intellectual Property Review (co-author), January - February 2011.
- “Inteligência Competitiva no Brasil”, Jornal do Commercio, April 2014.
- “Pharma Patent Update”, Managing Intellectual Property (co-author), August 2015.
- “Brazil focus: Growth for the biotech sector”, World Intellectual Review (co-author), September 2015.
- “The consequences of ‘double examination’ for pharmaceutical patent applications in Brazil”, Pharmaceutical Patent Analyst, March 2017.
- “Medical use of cannabinoids – analysis of Brazilian authorities’ position”, IAM Life Sciences 2018, May 2018.
- “New chemical and pharmaceutical guidelines – a year on: what has changed?”, IAM Life Sciences 2019 (co-author), May 2019.
- "As estratégias do INPI para solucionar o backlog de patentes", Amcham Brasil, June 2019.
- "Brazil on its way to eliminate the existing patent backlog", Lexology, July 2019.
- "The COVID-19 pandemic: are drug patents at risk?", Lexology, March 2020.
- “A guide for second medical use claims in Brazil”, IAM Life Sciences: Key issues for senior life sciences executives 2020 (co-author), June 2020.
- “Do ANVISA's new guidelines jeopardise the patentability of patent applications?", International Law Office (co-author), March 2021.
- "Brazilian Supreme Court grants preliminary injunction that puts pharmaceutical patents at risk", Lexology, April 2021.
- "Rasteira no sistema de patentes", Migalhas, April 2021.
- "O plano de combate ao backlog de patentes do INPI", Lex Latin, April 2021.
- "World Intellectual Property organization warns of the need to protect IP assets of SMEs", Lexology, April 2021.
- "Results of the Plan to Reduce Brazilian PTO's Patent Backlog", Lexology, May 2021.
- "O Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente e o Programa de Patentes Verdes do lNPI", Estadão, June 2021.
- "The World Environment Day and the Brazilian PTO’s Green Patent Program", Lexology / International Law Office, June 2021.
- "The Effects and Consequences of the Brazilian Supreme Court Decision to Abolish the Minimum 10-Year Term for Patents", IPO (Intellectual Property Owners Association), July 2021.
- "Efeitos e consequências da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal de abolir o prazo mínimo de 10 anos para patentes", Revista ASPI 2021 – nº 10, July 2021.
- "Hot Topics on Life Sciences Patents in Brazil", The Patent Lawyer Magazine, July/August 2021.
- "Law that accelerates prosecution of patent applications in the pharmaceutical field is sanctioned in Brazil", Lexology, September 2021.
- "Fim de anuência da Anvisa para pedidos de patentes deve destravar mais de 1 mil pedidos de medicamentos", O Globo, September 2021.
- "Life sciences patents in Brazil: hot topics", International Law Office (ILO), September 2021.
- "Hot Topics on Life Sciences Patents in Brazil", IPOwners Quartely, September 2021.
- "2021 highlights in Brazil: PATENTS", Lexology, February 2022.
- "Brazilian PTO decides to apostille Letters-Patents related to healthcare technology", Lexology, February 2022.
- "Um ano da decisão do STF sobre o prazo de patentes", Capital Aberto, May 2022.
- "O sistema de propriedade industrial, as patentes farmacêuticas na pandemia da COVID-19 e os novos paradigmas legais no Brasil", eBook - Cenários contemporâneos no âmbito da governança global: políticas nacionais e internacionais de enfrentamento da crise em perspectiva comparada, Capítulo 1, página 24, July 2022.
- "Patentes da vacina contra a varíola no Brasil", ConJur - Consultor Jurídico, August 2022.
- "Um ano do fim da Anuência Prévia da ANVISA", Justiça em Foco, August 2022.
- "Diversidade, pessoas com deficiência e patentes: tecnologias assistivas como forma de inclusão social", Revista da ABPI, September 2022.
- “O papel das patentes como estímulo à inovação”, Revista ABPI, Edition: 181 | Month: November | December | Year: 2022 – Especial 30 anos | Page 89, December 2022.
- “Major changes in the Brazilian IP system in the year 2022”, Lexology, January 2023.
- “Brasil tem aumento acelerado de patentes sob críticas de queda na qualidade”, JOTA, Janeiro 2023.
- “Scope of Patent Protection (Brazil)”, Practical Law: Thompson Reuters, May 2023.
- “Brazilian Patent and Trademark office announces 120 new examiners to be hired”, Lexology, September 2023.
- “Concurso do INPI pode ajudar a resolver o problema do backlog de patentes no Brasil”, ALAE – Aliança de Advocacia Empresarial, October 2023.
- “A Longa Marcha das Patentes”, Inovação review - Valor Econômico, November 2023.
- “Novo concurso do INPI pode tornar sistema de concessão de patentes no Brasil mais ágil e impulsionar indústria”, Jornal Jurid, November 2023.
- "Uso da campanha “Performance Max” no Google adwords e suas implicações marcárias", portal Migalhas, February 2024.
- "Important changes on the Brazilian Patent Office's appeal instance", Lexology, February 2024.
- “Brazil: Hot Topics in IP during 2023”, Lexology, March 2024.
- “Principais desenvolvimentos na área de PI no Brasil em 2023”, Migalhas, March 2024.
- “Updates on the changes in the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office's appeal instance”, Lexology, March 2024.
- “World IP Day: Green Patents - Sustainable Innovation Driving the Future”, Lexology, April 2024.
- “Patentes Verdes: inovação sustentável impulsionando o futuro”, Valor Econômico, April 2024.
- “Pharma Innovators and Generics in Brazil. The legal and case law environment”, Chapter Opening: Patent Litigation - 6th edition of the Brazil's Best Counsel guide, July 2024.
- “Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) announces Phase V of PPH program including Global PPH”, Lexology, December 2024.
- "Trâmite prioritário para projetos sustentáveis agiliza a obtenção de patentes", Valor Econômico, December 2024.
- “Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) establishes additional provisions for Phase V of PPH program”, Lexology, December 2024.
Professional Acknowledgements
- Gabriela is constantly recognized by international publications such as IP stars, Leaders´ League and IAM Patent 1000.
- Gabriela was recognized for two consecutive years as Patent Star by the international ranking of the publication Managing Intellectual Property.
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