Our firm has been once again recognized as a leading firm by the publication IAM Patent 1000 – 2020

We are delighted to share that our firm has been once again recognized as a leading firm by the renowned publication IAM Patent 1000: The World’s Leading Patent Professionals 2020.

Our partners Luiz Edgard Montaury Pimenta, Eduardo Machado, Ana Paula Brito, Gabriela Salerno and Magnus Aspeby were also highly recommended by the publication for their remarkable work in their respective practice area.

The unique guide identifies the top patent professionals in key jurisdictions around the globe. The extensive research process involved more than 1,700 interviews with patent specialists across the globe.



Av. Almirante Barroso, 139 - 7º Floor, Downtown
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil, 20.031-005
Phone: +55 21 2524-0510
E-mail: montaury@montaury.com.br



Av. Paulista, 37 - 4º Floor, Bela Vista
São Paulo - SP – Brazil, 01.311-902
Phone: +55 11 2246-2722
E-mail: montaury@montaury.com.br