Lego is recognized as a highly reputed mark in Brazil

Currently, there are 168 brands with this seal in force in the country.

LEGO had its brand recognized as a highly reputed mark in Brazil by the BPTO, the federal agency responsible for granting and guaranteeing intellectual property rights in Brazil. The seal, published by the BPTO this December, ensures the exclusive rights over the use of the LEGO brand throughout the Brazilian territory for 10 years, in relation to all fields of activity. Consequently, it gains a much larger scope of protection, no longer limited to exclusivity within its specific business sector. The highly reputed status exponentially increases the brand's value, as well as compensations for damages in case of trademark infringements. In Brazil, penalties for infringing highly renowned brands are also more severe. With the seal, LEGO joins the list of 168 highly reputed brands in Brazil.

Founded in Denmark in 1932, LEGO has established itself as one of the world's leading toy manufacturers and a leader in the building block toy segment. In Latin America, Brazil and Mexico are the largest markets for the brand. The LEGO brand has also expanded its activities to amusement parks with the opening of Legoland, LEGO's theme parks are present in countries such as Denmark, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and Malaysia.

The recognition of a brand as highly reputed in Brazil is generally related to its reputation, longevity, market presence, and positive impact on society. To receive this seal from the BPTO, the entity analyzes three main requirements: recognition by a large portion of the general public; the quality, reputation, and prestige of the brand in relation to its products or services before the public; and the degree of distinctiveness and exclusivity of the brand.

The recognition also contributes to the challenges the brand may face in other countries, especially in Latin America. Additionally, the highly reputed status aids in combating piracy and counterfeiting crimes that occur in the toy segment imported from other countries and increases penalties for offenders. The toy segment is one of the most affected by piracy in the country. A recent survey by the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP) reveals that the illicit toy market moved more than R$171.5 million.

LEGO's attainment of highly reputed status in Brazil not only signifies a milestone in its brand protection but also underscores the significance of its impact on society and the market. This recognition not only fortifies its position within the country but also enhances its global stance, paving the way for more robust defenses against piracy and counterfeiting. It is a testament to LEGO's enduring legacy, market eminence, and dedication to safeguarding its unique identity, ensuring that its iconic products continue to inspire creativity while reinforcing the importance of intellectual property rights in the realm of toys and beyond.



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