The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office released its 2023 Management Report, encompassing the results of its operations throughout that year bearing in mind the goals defined in the Strategic Plan for the 2023-2026 term.
Last month, news broke in the U.S. media that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit admitted in the lawsuit of Crocs, Inc. and Effervescent, Inc. (Case No. 2022-2160) that the false stating that a product is patented can result in false advertising and unfair competition claims.
WIPO continually strives to positively influence the global IP System while maintaining its neutrality across different jurisdictions worldwide.
The Brazilian Industrial Property Law (Law No. 9.279/96 — “BIPL”) prohibits the registration of “sign or expression used only as a means of advertising”, according to item VII of section 124.
Decisão considerou perícia que não comprovou violação a direitos autorais alegada por empresa de arquitetura.
As ações do INPI para reduzir o tempo de exame de pedidos de patentes ao longo dos últimos anos foram bem-sucedidas, como é possível verificar nos dados mais recentes publicados. De toda forma, ainda há um caminho a ser percorrido para alcançar a meta de dois anos, proposta para 2026, bem como para reduzir o atraso na segunda instância.
Recentemente, o publicitário Hugo Rodrigues publicou post no instagram sobre o que considera sonho de uma marca: se tornar sinônimo de categoria. Rodrigues citou Gillette, Maizena, BandAid, Bombril, Xerox, Aspirina e Chiclets, por exemplo...
After two years of legal dispute, Burger King secured a victory at the National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (CONAR) by overturning a decision that had favored Ajinomoto.
Over recent years, Brazil has seen an intensification in patent litigation involving SEPs, with an exponential increase in lawsuits brought by both patent holders, NPEs (non-practicing entities), and some other companies that both hold essential patents and implement them.
Although the regulation of online sports betting and casinos, the popular BETS, has been in effect in Brazil for just over a year with the approval of Law No. 14.790 of 2023, Brazil can already be considered one of the major global players in this market. Last week, the Brazilian Central Bank released a survey showing that Brazilians spend around 20 billion reais monthly on online gambling, considering only direct cash transfers, without accounting for bets made with credit cards or other payment methods.