
Entenda quem pode usar marcas e logos da Olimpíada e patrocinadores

Entenda quem pode usar marcas e logos da Olimpíada e patrocinadores

Atletas, estádios, agências de viagem e empresas que vendem ingressos precisam ficar atentas ao regulamento do evento e às leis de propriedade intelectual.

Combating illegal Cell Phones: Striking a Balance Between Regulation and Market Freedom

Combating illegal Cell Phones: Striking a Balance Between Regulation and Market Freedom

Over the last few years, the spread of counterfeit goods on online sales platforms has become a noteworthy concern for Intellectual Property (“IP”) owners, manufacturers, consumers, and regulatory authorities.

Claming belonging: Strategies for managing imposter syndrome in the legal profession

Claming belonging: Strategies for managing imposter syndrome in the legal profession

Imposter Syndrome has been defined as “the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.” Generally, this means feeling not good enough or deserving enough in or for your role – thinking of yourself as a fraud.

A proteção da propriedade intelectual como estratégia internacional

A proteção da propriedade intelectual como estratégia internacional

No primeiro trimestre de 2024, o comércio entre Brasil e Estados Unidos alcançou a marca impressionante de US$ 18,8 bilhões, segundo dados divulgados recentemente pela Amcham Brasil, uma das maiores entidades multissetorial do país e uma das mais importantes.

Pharma Innovators and Generics in Brazil

Pharma Innovators and Generics in Brazil. The legal and case law environment

Within the industrial property discussion environment, more specifically with regard to innovation and technology protection through patents, companies that manufacture generics and similar drugs for many years were considered rivals to pharmaceutical laboratories holding patents. They were often nicknamed the “copy industry”, despite the fact that generic manufacturing is a legal and regulated activity.

The Importance of ESG for a Law Firm (or, how to promote transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making at your own working place)

The Importance of ESG for a Law Firm (or, how to promote transparency, accountability, and ethical decision-making at your own working place)

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria are increasingly important for businesses across all sectors, including law firms.

Justiça impede venda de tênis falsificados com a marca Vert

Justiça impede venda de tênis falsificados com a marca Vert

A renomada fabricante francesa de tênis ecológicos Veja Fair Trade Shoes (antiga Vert no Brasil) conseguiu liminar na Justiça de São Paulo para impedir a atuação de um grupo de empresas sediadas no Estado que anunciam e vendem tênis que imitam os de sua marca. A decisão é da 2ª Vara Empresarial e de Conflitos de Arbitragem da capital.

Brazilian Courts pushing back on preliminary injunctions in SEP infringement lawsuits

Brazilian Courts pushing back on preliminary injunctions in SEP infringement lawsuits

For some years now, the litigation scenario involving SEPs in Brazil has been gaining relevance and the number of lawsuits filed by entities holding patents, sometimes NPEs (non-practicing entities), and some other companies that both hold essential patents and implement them, has been growing exponentially.

The importance of the interaction between Marketing and Intellectual Property for companies

The importance of the interaction between Marketing and Intellectual Property for companies

Companies depend on the sale of their products and services. However, it is not enough to simply innovate, invest millions in Marketing, and introduce their product to the market. It is essential to ensure in advance that intellectual property rights are adequately protected and that there is no violation of third-party rights.

Pedidos de patentes para jogos eletrônicos no Brasil

Pedidos de patentes para jogos eletrônicos no Brasil: por que depositá-los considerando o novo marco legal de jogos eletrônicos brasileiro?

A importância de patentes para jogos eletrônicos no Brasil e os impactos do novo marco legal na indústria.
