Um dos pontos chave para o setor é dar autonomia orçamentária ao Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial, conhecido pela demora na análise de patentes.
Esse é o desafio a ser enfrentado: conciliar o avanço tecnológico de forma confiável e consciente às necessidades humanas sem realçar as desigualdades existentes.
After decades of walking slowly, AI seems to be accelerating towards a future full of lights. In November 2022, ChatGPT was launched and, almost5 days after its launch, more than a million people had already tried it. But what is it?
Survey reveals that in 2021 losses caused by the commerce of counterfeit products exceeded R$ 336 billion reais.
The protection of Industrial Property rights in Brazil is set forth in the constitutional and infra-constitutional plan, respectively by Article 5th, item XXIX of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and by the provisions of Act No. 9279/96 (Industrial Property Act).
In 2019, a new Franchise Law was published, introducing certain changes by bringing clarity to the business relationship between Franchisor and Franchisee with greater legal certainty, transparency, and simplification.
As we mark International Women’s Day, female IP leaders share their thoughts on how equity is fundamentally different to equality, and why recognising this distinction is crucial.
Levantamento aponta queda da participação feminina nas Cortes superiores.
A Practice Note discussing the civil and criminal claims available against counterfeiters and gray market goods sellers, the border protection mechanisms in Brazil that help identify and prevent the importation of counterfeit and gray market goods, and general anti-counterfeiting strategies intellectual property right (IPR) owners can employ in Brazil.
Anvisa abriu consulta pública para avaliar a bula de remédios genéricos e similares no Brasil.