Debate sobre suspensão ou quebra de patente pode virar obsoleto com avanço da vacinação.
After a long discussion involving a lengthy and detailed vote of the Reporting Justice Mr. Dias Toffoli, the Brazilian Supreme Court decided that the sole paragraph of Section 40 of the Brazilian IP Law is unconstitutional during the last session held on May 6.
Fomento deste tipo de empreendedorismo é um poderoso instrumento para o desenvolvimento da economia.
Apesar do crescimento de startups e PMES no país, muitas não possuem registros de suas marcas e proteção de suas tecnologias por patentes, colocando em risco seus próprios negócios.
Almost fifty years ago, the United Nations chose June 5th to celebrate the World Environment Day. Each year, a theme is chosen to be discussed by various global entities connected to this subject, aiming to generate positive initiatives for the environment. This year, the theme “REIMAGINE. RECREATE. RESTORE." aims to encourage reflections and actions on the revitalization and protection of natural ecosystems.
Há quase 50 anos, a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) escolheu o dia 5 de junho para celebrar o Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente. A cada ano, um tema é escolhido para ser debatido por diversas entidades globais vinculadas ao assunto, de forma a gerar iniciativas positivas ao meio ambiente. Em 2021, o tema "REIMAGINE. RECRIE. RESTAURE." tem como objetivo fomentar reflexões e ações sobre a revitalização e a proteção dos ecossistemas naturais.
The entire world is facing the biggest health crisis since the Spanish flu. In addition to the Covid-19 pandemic itself, we are living with access to a flood of information on the most complex topics, without having the necessary knowledge to immediately discern what is true, what is fake news and, even, what is half-truth. Half-truths include false statements that contain elements of truth and we may dare say that this is the worst type of information conveyed by the media, as it is a real disservice to the public in general.
The SARS-COV 2 pandemic took many workers to the home office, demanding that the world population stay indoors, consequently reducing the circulation of people in cities, forcing stores to reinvent themselves to stay active. And it was within this scenario that we saw the worldwide increase in sales through e-commerce websites, marketplaces, apps and delivery services...
This year we celebrated 521 years since “Brazil’s discovery”. During a navigational journey to India, Portuguese explorers found what today we call Brazilian ground. A place that, even since the beginning of its discovery, has so much to offer.
The plan implemented by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) to tackle the patent backlog reduced in 51.2% pending patent applications in 2020, according to data provided by the Office. The final goal is to reduce the number of applications pending decision by 80% by August 2021, in addition to reducing the average grant term to approximately two years.