
The Increase of e-commerce and the Importance of Online Brand Protection Services

The SARS-COV 2 pandemic took many workers to the home office, demanding that the world population stay indoors, consequently reducing the circulation of people in cities, forcing stores to reinvent themselves to stay active. And it was within this scenario that we saw the worldwide increase in sales through e-commerce websites, marketplaces, apps and delivery services...

Online Brand Protection in Brazil: Five tips to build up an effective strategy

This year we celebrated 521 years since “Brazil’s discovery”. During a navigational journey to India, Portuguese explorers found what today we call Brazilian ground. A place that, even since the beginning of its discovery, has so much to offer.

Results of the Plan to Reduce Brazilian PTO's Patent Backlog

The plan implemented by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) to tackle the patent backlog reduced in 51.2% pending patent applications in 2020, according to data provided by the Office. The final goal is to reduce the number of applications pending decision by 80% by August 2021, in addition to reducing the average grant term to approximately two years.

Por que a chamada ‘quebra de patentes’ não é a atual solução para a pandemia?

Vivemos no Brasil a maior crise sanitária desde a gripe espanhola e, somado à pandemia propriamente dita, vivemos também sob uma enxurrada de informações sobre os mais complexos temas, sem ter o conhecimento necessário para discernir de imediato o que é verdade, o que é mentira e, inclusive, o que é meia-verdade.

Logistical and operational challenges in fighting piracy

Fighting piracy - Given trademarks' undeniable importance to their owners, investments to protect them are understandable. Any damage to a trademark's image could ruin a reputation built over several years.

OMPI (Organização mundial da Propriedade Intelectual) alerta para a necessidade de proteção de ativos de PMEs

Hoje, dia 26 de abril, a World Intelectual Property Organization - WIPO (OMPI, na sigla em português) vai destinar a sua campanha em celebração pelo Dia Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual às pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs).

World Intellectual Property organization warns of the need to protect IP assets of SMEs

On April 26, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will destinate its campaign in celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

O plano de combate ao backlog de patentes do INPI

Segundo dados do Instituto, 52 mil pedidos de patentes (84% do backlog atual) já tiveram seu exame técnico iniciado, mas ainda precisam ser analisados.

The Brazilian Trademark Office (BPTO) opens public consultation on position marks

According to publication in the Official Gazette on April 13, 2021, the Brazilian Trademark Office (BPTO) has released the opening of a public consultation regarding the examination and registration of “Position marks”, as follow:

ADI 5.529 põe em risco sistema de patentes

Nesta quarta-feira em que o STF se debruça sobre a Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade nº 5.529 — que questiona a constitucionalidade do parágrafo único do Artigo 40 da Lei 9.279/96 (Lei da Propriedade Industrial-LPI) —, o que está em questão, na verdade, é a segurança jurídica do sistema de patentes brasileiro e o futuro do desenvolvimento tecnológico do país.
