
Legislative overview – Brazil

What statutes, regulations or case law govern IP rights in your jurisdiction? IP rights are governed by the Federal Constitution, the IP Law and the Copyright Law, as well as various international agreements (see below).

Growing e-commerce market entails increased brand protection measures

Rise in e-commerce: According to the latest Webshoppers report (42nd edition, produced by Ebit in partnership with Elo), Brazilian e-commerce grew by 47% in the first half of 2020, the highest recorded increase in the past 20 years. The report showed that sales growth was driven by a 39% increase in the number of orders compared with the first half of 2019, with 90.8 million orders placed. Sales increased by 47% to R38.8 billion over the same period.

Comparative advertising and its limits

Introduction: The variety of information and communication characteristic of the digital world has significantly changed consumption behaviour. Within this context, ads and marketing strategies have become increasingly elaborate and aggressive in order to capture consumers' attention.

Cenários e desafios em patentes e propriedade intelectual no Brasil em 2021

Expectativa de que economia volte a crescer é alta, as demandas na área de PI tendem a seguir esse crescimento.

Dos limites à publicidade comparativa

A multiplicação de meios de comunicação e informação, característica do mundo digital, tem trazido significativas mudanças nas relações de consumo da sociedade como um todo.

O Registro de Nomes de Domínio Genéricos como Marca

O Entendimento da Suprema Corte Norte-Americana no caso BOOKING.COM.

BRPTO anticipates Phase II of Patent Prosecution Highway Programme

On 1 January 2021 Ordinance 404 came into force, establishing Phase II of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Programme in Brazil. Phase II was published by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) in the last week of 2020 and modifies the limits and requirements for requesting participation in the PPH Programme, which are detailed below. With this new phase of the PPH Programme, the previous Resolution 252 (establishing Phase I) has been revoked.

Kipling obtém vitórias na Justiça em casos de violação de imagem de produtos

A marca Kipling vem obtendo vitórias na Justiça contra empresas brasileiras pela violação de imagem comercial de produtos, prática de concorrência desleal e importação de itens semelhantes ao fabricados pela companhia.

Brazilian PTO publishes Guidelines for Examining Patent Applications Involving Computer-Implemented Inventions

The Brazilian PTO published in the Official Gazette No. 2608, of December 29, 2020, new Guidelines for Examining Patent Applications Involving Computer-Implemented Inventions. These guidelines, which were under public consultation in August 2020, replace Resolution No. 158/2016 previously in force.

Brasil se alinha ao futuro das Invenções Implementadas em Computador

O Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial publicou na RPI 2608, de 29 de dezembro de 2020, as novas Diretrizes de Exame de Pedidos de Patente envolvendo Invernções Implementadas em Computador (IIC).
