
Brazil is one step closer to recognising and regulating registration of position marks - International Law Office

Brazil is one step closer to recognising and regulating registration of position marks

The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) recently carried out a public consultation on the examination of applications for the registration of position marks, enabling interested parties to express their opinions on the matter.

Life sciences patents in Brazil - International Law Office

Life sciences patents in Brazil: hot topics

Over the past five years, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has adopted various measures to reduce the backlog in patent examinations and implemented several improvements in its examination guidelines to enable high-quality technical examinations to be performed. In addition, the covid-19 pandemic has led to other sensitive discussions regarding the Brazilian patent system and its impact on public health issues. This article provides an overview of six topics that directly affect life sciences patents in Brazil.

Marcas e games: parceria de sucesso - Estadão

Marcas e games: parceria de sucesso

Por se tratar de um mercado extremamente inovador e em constante evolução, a Propriedade Intelectual é um dos ramos do direito que a Indústria dos Games não pode dispensar.

New bill about compulsory license sanctioned in Brazil - Lexology

New bill about compulsory license sanctioned in Brazil

On September 02, Bill no. 12/21 was sanctioned in Brazil, aiming to amend the provisions of compulsory licenses set forth by the Brazilian IP Law in cases of national or international emergency, and in case of public interest or recognition of public calamity nationwide, as well.

Patentes farmacêuticas - O Globo

Fim de anuência da Anvisa para pedidos de patentes deve destravar mais de 1 mil pedidos de medicamentos

Sancionada na semana passada, a lei que elimina a exigência de autorização prévia da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa) para pedidos de patente de produtos farmacêuticos vai acelerar a tramitação de 1.134 processos.

Patent application in Brazil - Lexology

Law that accelerates prosecution of patent applications in the pharmaceutical field is sanctioned in Brazil

Law no. 14,195 was sanctioned last Thursday (August 27) and it eliminates the requirement of prior consent from the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) for patent applications related to pharmaceutical products and processes before the technical examination performed by the Brazilian PTO, which was established in Article 229-C of the Brazilian Industrial Property Law.

INPI pretende autorizar registros de marcas de posição - Valor Econômico

INPI deverá autorizar registros de marcas de posição

O INPI publicará um ato normativo para autorizar o registro, evitando litígios judiciais.

Position Marks - Lexology

Brazil is one step closer to recognizing and regulating the registration of Position Marks

Recently the INPI - National Institute of Industrial Property shared a Public Consultation on the examination of applications for registration of Position Marks (Public Consultation 01/2021), enabling the expression of interested parties in the subject.

Hot Topics on Life Sciences Patents in Brazil

Gabriela Salerno, Partner at Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Vieira de Mello, provides an overview of six topics introduced with the latest Guidelines for Life Sciences patents in Brazil.

The fines provided by the Brazilian General Data Protection Law came into effect. Is your company ready for this?

Although the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (“LGDP”) came into force on September 18, 2020, only after August 1st , 2021 the National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) is authorized to impose administrative fines on those caught violating its legal provisions.
