
Two Brazilian Companies Exemplify Value of CSR and ESG Activities - INTA Bulletin

Two Brazilian Companies Exemplify Value of CSR and ESG Activities

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing have become common corporate buzzwords. And for good reason: Corporate stakeholders—consumers, employees, investors, and the like—have made it clear that they want to support companies that have a moral conscience and that use their resources to shape a better way to do business.

Madrid Protocol in Brazil: What has happened in the last two years? - IPOwners Quartely

Madrid Protocol in Brazil: What has happened in the last two years?

Eduardo Machado and Stephany Araujo, Montaury Pimenta, Machado & Viera de Mello’s experts, review the past two years since the implementation of the Madrid Protocol in Brazil.

Consulta pública da ANPD é oportunidade de ajuste da obrigatoriedade de DPO para pequenas empresas - Estadão

Consulta pública da ANPD é oportunidade de ajuste da obrigatoriedade de DPO para pequenas empresas

Deste a entrada em vigor da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados – LGPD, muito tem se debatido a respeito das incertezas regulatórias que orbitam o universo da regulação do tema perante as microempresas, empresas de pequeno porte e startups. Dentre as inúmeras indefinições, uma em especial tem tirado o sono da maioria dos empreendedores: a obrigatoriedade de indicação de um Encarregado/DPO (Data Protection Officer, conforme previsto no Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados da União Europeia – GDPR).

Hot Topics on Life Sciences Patents in Brazil - IPOwners Quartely

Hot Topics on Life Sciences Patents in Brazil

Over the last 5 years, the Brazilian Patent Office has been adopting measures to reduce the backlog in patent examination combined with several improvements in its examination guidelines to perform a high-quality technical examination.

Challenging competitors' patents in Brazil - ILO

Challenging competitors' patents in Brazil

Everybody wants to have their own patents granted, but few are pleased when their competitors' patents are granted as well. As Oscar Wilde once wisely said: "Own successes are encouraging, but failures of others shall also not be despised." In Brazil, as in most other countries, a problematic competitor's patent or patent application can be challenged.

Brazilian data protection agency (anpd) opens public consultation on the obligation to appoint a dpo in micro-enterprises, Small Businesses and startups, signaling for release - Lexology

Brazilian data protection agency (anpd) opens public consultation on the obligation to appoint a dpo in micro-enterprises, Small Businesses and startups, signaling for release

Since the Data Protection Law (“Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados” – “LGPD”) entered into force, a lot has been said on the regulatory uncertainties that orbit the universe of regulation of the subject in micro-enterprises, small businesses, and startups. Among the several uncertainties, one in special has taken the sleep of most entrepreneurs: the obligation to appoint a DPO (Data Protection Officer, as provided by the European Union General Data Protection Regulation).

INPI passa a analisar pedidos de marcas de posição - Valor Econômico

INPI passa a analisar pedidos de marcas de posição

Autorização para os registros veio com a publicação, nesta semana, da Portaria nº 37.

BPTO’s ordinance regulates Position Marks and expands intellectual property protection in Brazil - International Law Office

BPTO’s ordinance regulates Position Marks and expands intellectual property protection in Brazil

This Tuesday, September 21, 2021, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) published a new ordinance that regulates position marks in Brazil.

Brasil a um passo de reconhecer e regulamentar o registro de Marcas de Posição - Estadão

Brasil a um passo de reconhecer e regulamentar o registro de Marcas de Posição

Recentemente o INPI -Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial compartilhou uma Consulta Pública sobre o exame de pedidos de registro de Marcas de Posição (Consulta Pública 01/2021), possibilitando a manifestação de interessados no tema.

Justiça vai analisar autonomia financeira do INPI - Valor Econômico

Justiça vai analisar autonomia financeira do INPI

União incorreria em grave ilegalidade ao não assegurar recursos financeiros à autarquia e ficar com parte do que ela arrecada.
