
Cláusula de força maior ganha importância nas relações contratuais

O avanço da Covid-19 em nível global e a decretação de pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde criaram um impacto exponencial negativo jamais visto na atividade econômica, em um efeito cascata sobre diversos setores produtivos, aumentando as incertezas das organizações quanto à possibilidade de cumprimento de contratos celebrados.

World IP day in times of COVID-19 Pandemic

The World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated every year on April 26. This year, the importance of this date takes on a new meaning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Impacts of the current pandemic on the routine of the Brazilian courts

Over the last weeks, due to the coronavirus pandemic, people have witnessed with astonishment the necessary interruption of several basic services, which are constitutionally assured and regularly provided, among them, services provided by the courts.

The Brazilian backlog elimination plan in numbers and the possible impacts of the COVID-19 crisis

In the second half of 2019, the Brazilian Patent Office (BRPTO) started an ambitious plan to eliminate the backlog of unexamined patent applications. The aim of the project is to reduce 80% of the current backlog within two years. Up until March 2020, before the world COVID-19 crisis, the numbers were really impressive. The challenge now is to keep this progress going, while maintaining the examiners working 100% remotely.

Brazilian Senate postpones its national data protection law

On April3, the Brazilian Senate approved a Bill of Law (PL 1179/2020) with several emergency measures to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. The bill includes a specific rule that postpones the entry into force of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law, the LGPD.

The COVID-19 pandemic: are drug patents at risk?

It is still too early to determine when a vaccine against new coronavirus will be available. Even if renowned research centers and pharmaceutical companies could put their best efforts into developing a vaccine against COVID-19, it is obviously necessary to follow the correct clinical protocols to launch a safe and effective product in the market. Specialists say that it will take at least 18 months, which is an extremely optimistic prediction.

Damages for IP infringement - a true deterrent?

Under Brazilian law, the injured party in an infringement lawsuit can request compensatory damages in addition to obtaining a court order that the infringing practice be ceased. Such damages can be divided into two main categories: (i) moral damages, and (ii) material damages, which include actual damages and the loss of profit.

Ó, ABRE ALAS... To the official carnival sponsors

Our immersion in the virtual world is increasing each day. We talk to people, read news, make bank transactions, buy stuff and have fun through the Internet, i.e., we do things that were unimaginable in the recent past.

A importância das patentes essenciais nas telecomunicações

Os benefícios gerados pelas patentes essenciais a um padrão vão além do retorno financeiro aos titulares e licenciados, uma vez que gastos desnecessários com litígios são evitados, e o consumidor final daquelas tecnologias se beneficia de um ambiente concorrencial mais saudável sem abrir mão da interoperabilidade dos sistemas de comunicação.

Ensuring Internet and Personal Data Privacy in a Virtual World, according to Brazilian Law

Our immersion in the virtual world is increasing each day. We talk to people, read news, make bank transactions, buy stuff and have fun through the Internet, i.e., we do things that were unimaginable in the recent past.
