A Propriedade Intelectual visa resguardar as criações da mente humana, sendo o gênero do qual o Direito de Autor e a Propriedade Industrial são espécies. Além de suas respectivas garantias constitucionais, tais espécies são protegidas, respectivamente, pela Lei nº. 9610/98 (Lei de Direito Autoral) e pela Lei nº. 9279/96 (Lei da Propriedade Industrial).
The words “China and America” are constantly in the news these days with reports of trade and IP squabbles, but “America” is much larger than only the United States. Johnny Chan explores the relationships between China and Latin America.
One of the most common questions regarding patent protection in Brazil refers to whether there is a possibility of protecting second medical use of known chemical compounds. The answer is simple: yes, it is possible to protect second medical use in Brazil. However, considering some particularities of the Brazilian Industrial Property Law and its interpretation by the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO), it is extremely important to give proper attention to the correct way of drafting not only the set of claims, but the whole patent application, in order to guarantee the most effective protection.
The marketplace business model - which is nothing more than an electronic sales platform - has been increasingly used in Brazil. Virtual buying and selling intermediation services are fast becoming the main sales channel for Brazilian ecommerce in the past years, since they are a means used by shopkeepers to increase their sales by taking advantage of the high user traffic in those virtual malls.
O avanço progressivo das tecnologias digitais de compartilhamento e o acesso acelerado e universal à internet têm possibilitado a distribuição de conteúdo sem as necessárias autorizações dos titulares dos direitos de propriedade intelectual — prática tida como crime no Brasil.
Com o acesso aos bens piratas ocorrendo agora majoritariamente pelo meio eletrônico, a atenção para estes canais precisa ser redobrada .
The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to a global economic shutdown, causing many governments, including the Brazilian government, to look for solutions to minimize the impact of the virus on the population. One of the measures that have been used in many countries, such as the U.S., is the use of economic stimulus checks that are being distributed by government officials.
O avanço da Covid-19 em nível global e a decretação de pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde criaram um impacto exponencial negativo jamais visto na atividade econômica, em um efeito cascata sobre diversos setores produtivos, aumentando as incertezas das organizações quanto à possibilidade de cumprimento de contratos celebrados.
The World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated every year on April 26. This year, the importance of this date takes on a new meaning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over the last weeks, due to the coronavirus pandemic, people have witnessed with astonishment the necessary interruption of several basic services, which are constitutionally assured and regularly provided, among them, services provided by the courts.